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Walk Time For Agricultural Ranch

Scenario A
Scenario B

     Above are two walk-time assessments for both Scenarios A and B. These are to show the ease of access to travel stops on this site. For example, the agricultural ranch has a very small amount of green in the pie chart on the right, meaning that the agricultural ranch is in an area that will be easier to access than others.

     In B, the agricultural ranch is in a fairly neutral spot, with medium and high access taking up about 60% of the chart. For us to further assess these two scenarios, it is easier to do a slide-view where the two maps are side-by-side. 

     Here is a slide view of Scenario's A and B. Here is an easy way to compare the two. Obviously the scenario on the right is deemed "more favorable" and "more walkable" than that on the left. 

     Overall, Scenario B is a more "desirable" design with fairly easily accessible and walkable parcels.  The only "problem areas" that could be changed in order to make this area easier to access are the Picnic Areas and Agricultural Ranch. Scenario A could be modified further to be more desirable but just from the current standings, Scenario B is more suitable. 

     Above is the side-by-side comparison between Scenarios A and B with the Green Infrastructure Layer turned on. 

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